When Internet users address e-mail to your netVillage
server, this module imports those messages to the
specified user's Post Office.
Configuration options for SMTP Mail Receiver (Importer).
Move your mouse over an item below for details.
Key required to receive SMTP e-mail
Do you wish to activate inbound SMTP?
Send reject message to SMTP callers?
SMTP port number
Maximum number of incoming SMTP connections
SMTP server timeout in seconds
Minimum disk space in MB to receive SMTP mail
Limit size of messages delivered to your system?
Maximum message size (MB)
SMTP inbound directory
SMTP inbound queue scan interval in seconds
Maximum importer time slice
Minimum importer time slice
No-load importer time slice
Response time reduction factor
Full load percentage
Record successful SMTP deliveries in Audit Trail?
Record SMTP incoming errors to Audit Trail?
Perform reverse lookup on incoming mail?
Maximum number of hops e-mail can make
Save Internet headers with messages?
Enable SMTP mailhost processing?
Restrict relay to local users?
Local IP file
Audit failed relay attempts?
Blocked IP file
Audit contacts from blocked IP addresses?
Convert from addresses to User-IDs?
Root and Postmaster ID
SMTP alias
SMTP alias
SMTP alias
SMTP alias
SMTP alias
SMTP alias
SMTP alias
SMTP alias
SMTP alias
SMTP alias
SMTP alias
SMTP alias
SMTP alias
SMTP alias
SMTP alias
SMTP alias