Sign-up and Account Display/Edit
Configuration options for Sign-up and Account Display/Edit.
Move your mouse over an item below for details.
Give all users how many free credits at sign-up?
Start users off in what account class?
Show users how many credits they have?
Minimum allowable length for a User-ID:
Minimum allowable length for a user's password:
Key required for changing language preference?
Key required to change first and last names
Key required to change company name
Key required to change address
Key required to change phone number
Key required to change system type
Key required to change ANSI setting
Key required to change screen width
Key required to change screen length
Key required to change editor preference
Key required to change screen pause setting
Key required to change sex
Key required to change password
Key required to change e-mail address
Key required to change password hint
C/S AD/E read lock
C/S AD/E write lock
Make Audit Trail entry for each new signup?
Period (inverse pitch) of signup beep
Minimum credits one user can xfer to another
What default editor should new signups be given?
Can a user's password be PASSWORD or their User-ID?
Ask new user's language/protocol preference?
Send RIP_RESET_WINDOWS when switching to non-RIP?
Double-check new user's ANSI setting?
Ask users their first and last names?
Ask users their company name?
Ask users their address (3 lines)?
Ask users their telephone number?
Ask users the type of system they are using?
Ask users their date of birth?
Allow users to change their date of birth?
Ask users their sex?
Ask users their e-mail address?
Ask users for a password hint?
Maximum size for User-IDs of new users:
Allow digits in User-IDs?
Allow spaces and punctuation in User-IDs?
How should User-IDs be handled for new signups?
Additional signup question header
Additional signup question #1
Additional signup question #2
Additional signup question #3
Additional signup question #4
Additional signup question #5
Additional signup question #6
Additional signup question #7
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Additional signup question #10
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Additional signup question #13
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Additional signup question #15
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Additional signup question #19
Additional signup question #20
Closing thanks for additional signup questions
Save standard signup information to ASCII file?
Save any signup information in fixed-length ASCII?